Latex Skin Petals
Out of all of the sites used, the face is the most difficult one to, well, face.. It is the subject most targeted by beauty brands selling products to prevent and reverse ageing. It is the site most difficult to hide from public view. It is where more and more people are undergoing permanent cosmetic procedures to create a more youthful appearance. It is the part I am most worried about ageing.
Staring at myself in the mirror, I notice every wrinkle and 'flaw'. It takes a while to actually bring myself to apply the latex, but eventually I do.
First, my cheeks. It's the smoothest part of my face, the easiest place to begin, but of course, the most boring: there is barely any texture visible in the casts, it almost feels pointless.
After a deep breath, I attack the 'problem' area: the crease between my eyebrows. Surprisingly, the cast doesn't really present much significant texture. There is a mixture of relief and frustration. Of course the good news is that the texture isn't as 'bad' as I thought it was, but what a boring cast! I actually find myself squinting and frowning to emphasise the wrinkle that I have spent so long hating! I much prefer this cast, but it's still not as interesting as the ones from the legs and hands. Perhaps there is less texture because I regularly moisturise my face and it is consequently oilier than the other skin sites, reducing the amount of texture the latex can pick up. Either way, I am pleased I managed to face my fear and confront the parts of me that worry me the most.