Latex Skin Petals

I create these skin petals by applying a thin layer of latex onto my skin using my fingertips. Once the first layer has dried, I add another, and so on and so forth until the desired thickness is achieved. The petal is then peeled from the skin and placed on a none stick surface such as grease proof paper to be dusted with baby powder: this neutralises the tackiness of the latex and prevents it from curling up and sticking to itself forming an unidentifiable blob.
I created these with the intention of forcing myself as well as an audience to come face to face with stigmatised skin textures, and utilised different sites of the body to compile a range of petals differing in shape, size, and most importantly texture. As planned, producing this large collection meant I had to spend a great deal of time with my body and skin, something which can create discomfort and anxiety relating to appearance generally, and in this instance, the appearance of ageing. Each site provoked different thoughts and emotions, and I invite you to explore these across the next pages.